Business Screening
Dive-Digital will visit you and analyze your business. The goal is to get a clear overview of where data is collected, stored, transformed and used. Furthermore, it is important to identify where you can automate repetitive tasks of your employees so they can focus on the important work.
The Datascape is one of the results from the Business Screening. Dive-Digital will create a data landscape with all the data sources and data flows in your company. This visualization will help you to detect where you can generate additional value out of your data.

The Projectmap is one of the results of the Business Screening. Dive-Digital creates a map with all your ongoing and potential digitalization projects. Each project is ranked by importance and urgency. This way you can identify the low-hanging fruit and boost your business immediately.
Digitalization Strategy
With tools like Datascape and Projectmap, you can develop an agile digitalization strategy tailored to your business. Dive-Digital helps you to get the most out of your resources.